7 Funny Out Of Office Messages Ideas For Your Emails

7 Funny Out Of Office Messages Ideas For Your Emails

- Published: - 7 minutes read

Suppose you are on vacation with your friends and family, enjoying at the fullest, but suddenly you realise that you haven’t sent out-of-office emails/messages to your teammates, clients or customers. This can spoil all the fun of your happy vacations on the spot, as this can lead to unprofessional behaviour and can harm your trustworthiness.

Well, to avoid this, you should set out-of-office messages, statuses or emails in order to make sure that everyone is notified about your situation before it’s too late. We know that old repetitive out-of-messages have become boring for everyone, which is why we are here.

In this article, we will suggest some funny and humorous out-of-office email templates which you can use in your organisation. But let’s start with some basics!

What are out-of-office messages?

Whenever you are out of the office, you need to notify the same with your teammates. Out-of-office is an automated email response sent to people trying to contact you while you are on leave. The email generally has the reason for your absence, the date you will be available and an emergency contact detail to connect if there’s any urgent task.

It is important to have an efficient out-of-office template ready in order to maintain trust and professionalism with your contract and teammates. Let’s discuss the basic out-of-office messages template.

Basic Template for Out Of Office Messages

Here is an example of a basic out-of-office template that you can use to create your own message:

Subject: Out of Office: [Your Name]


Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office and will not be able to respond to emails until [Date of Return].

During my absence, I will have limited access to my email and may not be able to respond to messages promptly. If you require immediate assistance, please contact [Name and contact details of your colleague or supervisor].

I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Now that you have gone through the basic template, you might notice that it’s very general and normal to read. How about writing some funny and humorous out-of-office emails? Here are some of the funny out-of-office templates:

7 Funny Out Of Office Messages Ideas

1. Lead Generation:

Ever thought of creating more leads while you are on vacation? Here is a funny lead generation out-of-office email template that will not only inform the sender that you’re away, but can also generate leads.

Subject: Currently Out Of Office Generating More Leads Than a Hollywood Agent

Hello there!

Thanks for your email. Unfortunately, I’m currently out of the office generating leads like a Hollywood agent at a red-carpet event. But don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about you.

If you’re interested in learning more about our products or services, please check out our website. Or if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, drop by our office and say hello! We’re always happy to chat.

I’ll be back in the office on [Date of Return] and look forward to chatting with you then.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

2. Content Promotion

You can use your out-of-office email to promote specific content. For example, you can promote your social media channels using the below template.

Subject: I’m Not Ignoring You, I’m Just Busy Creating Awesome Content!

Hey there!

Thanks for reaching out. I’m currently knee-deep in creating some amazing content that I can’t wait to share with you. So, I won’t be able to get back to you right away.

But don’t worry! You can always stay updated by subscribing to my blog or following me on social media. And trust me, it’ll be worth the wait!

I’ll be back in action on [Date of Return]. In the meantime, happy reading!


[Your Name]

3. Trust Assurance

Use your out-of-office emails to maintain trust and comply with the organization’s norms. Here is a funny template.

Subject: Out of Office, But My Trusty Team is Here for You!


Thank you for your email. I’m currently out of the office building. But don’t worry; my trusty team is here to help.

They’re just as dedicated as I am to providing you with excellent service, so don’t hesitate to reach out to them. You can contact them at [Email of Your Team Member] or [Phone Number of Your Team Member].

I’ll be back in the office on [Date of Return] and look forward to working with you soon!

Take care,

[Your Name]

4. Networking

You can use your out-of-office emails to initiate and build a network with your teammates and colleagues. Here is a template for the same.

Subject: Out of Office, But I’m Networking Harder Than a Presidential Candidate

Hi there,

Thanks for your email. Unfortunately, I’m currently out of the office, networking harder than a presidential candidate during campaign season.

But don’t worry; I’ll be back in action on [Date of Return]. In the meantime, why not do some networking of your own? Attend some events, meet new people, and see what opportunities come your way. Who knows, we might even bump into each other at an event!

Take care,

[Your Name]

5. Connect on Social Media

Sometimes, someone can connect with you for an urgent task; you can suggest to them to initiate the conversation on the social media platform. Here is a humorous OOO email template.

Subject: Out of Office, But My Social Media Game is Still Strong


Thanks for your email. I’m currently out of the office, but my social media game is still going strong. So why not join in on the fun?

Follow me on [Social Media Platform] for excellent content, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and general shenanigans. Who knows, we might even become social media BFFs!

I’ll be back in the office on [Date of Return]. Until then, happy scrolling!


[Your Name]

6. Encourage Personal Development

If you are into personal development and still want to motivate people even when you are out of the office, this template is for you!

Subject: Out of Office: Learning How to Juggle, Both Literally and Figuratively

Hey there,

Thanks for your email. I’m currently out of the office learning how to juggle literally and figuratively. It’s all about personal development, right?

I’ll be back in action on [Date of Return]. In the meantime, why not work on your personal development? Take a course, read a book, or learn a new skill. Who knows, we might even inspire each other!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

7. Office Pranks

If you want to state your OOO message along with being funny, you can try out templates like these.

Subject: Out of Office: Playing Pranks on My Colleagues (Shh, Don’t Tell!)


Thanks for your email. I’m currently out of the office playing pranks on my colleagues. It’s all good fun, but please don’t tell them!

I’ll be back in the office on [Date of Return]. Until then, keep an eye out for any suspicious-looking staplers or rubber bands.

Take care,

[Your Name]

In a nutshell

Out of office is an important email everyone should set before going on any planned leave. In this article, you have gone through multiple OOO email templates, which are funny yet deliver the message with all the details. Try out some of them and have a lite and funny environment in your organisation.

This guide was written by Guy Bou Samra, content editor at Mailmeteor. Mailmeteor is a simple & privacy-focused emailing software. Trusted by millions of users worldwide, it is often considered as the best tool to send newsletters with Gmail. Give us a try and let us know what you think!

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