How to Write a Follow up Email to Client after Quotation (With Templates)

How to Write a Follow up Email to Client after Quotation (With Templates)

- Published: - 10 minutes read

You sent a quotation but your email got ignored? Or buried in your recipient’s inbox? Here are some tips and tricks for following up with a customer after you’ve sent them a quote. You’ll also find email templates to help you get started.

This is it. You’ve pitched your product or service. Sparked your prospect’s interest. And now you want to seal the deal. So you craft a professional email to send them your quotation.

And then… Nothing. One day goes by. Then two days. Three days… Fast-forward to a week later, and you still didn’t get a reply. Did your prospect lose interest? Are they too busy to answer? Or did they forget about your quotation?

The best way to know what’s going on… Is to send them a quotation follow up email. But how do you write that kind of message without sounding too pushy? Or desperate? And most importantly, how do you make sure that you’ll get a reply this time?

In this quick guide, we’ll show you how to write the perfect follow up email to a client after quotation. So that you’ll close more deals. In less time. And make your business strive. Sounds good? Then let’s dive in ⤵️

How to follow up with a client after a quote

Writing follow-up emails feels a bit awkward for a lot of freelancers and business owners. But it doesn’t have to be. Follow these 7 tips to write a great follow up email to your client after quotation.

1. Do some research

This is one of the most underrated email marketing tips. If you want your sales emails to yield better results, you’ve got to:

  • Email the right person
  • With the right offer
  • At the right time

And to figure all this out, you need to do some research. Make sure to ask the right questions before you send your quotation to your client.

Try to understand…

  • Who the decision makers are
  • Why this project is important to your client
  • And what obstacles may be holding them back

Once you’ve collected some valuable information, use it to craft the perfect follow-up email after quotation.

2. Write a great subject line

According to research, 47% of people decide to open their emails based on the subject lines alone.

Which means that if you don’t nail your subject line, your client might not even bother opening your email.

Your follow up email after quotation subject line should therefore be:

  • Intriguing – Spark your recipient’s interest. Tease them. Or arouse their curiosity. You want to give them a good reason to open your email. Without giving in to click-baiting.
  • Concise – Try to keep your subject line around 40 characters. Or 7 words. According to research, this is the ideal length to generate more opens. Any longer than that and it may be truncated on mobile devices.
  • Urgent – Urgency is a powerful way to prompt your client to respond. Use time-based or product-based scarcity to nudge them in the right direction. But don’t overdo it. Or you might come off as too pushy.

We’ve written a guide about the best email subject lines. Inside, you’ll find some handy tips to come up with subject lines that get opened.

There’s more. We’ve also created a free email subject line tester. You can use this tool to get some live feedback on your subject line.

Our subject line tester also lets you generate new subject line ideas for your follow-up email after quotation. All thanks to the power of IA.

Email subject line tester

3. Emphasize your value

Great. You got them to open your quotation follow-up email. The next step is to prompt them to reply. Preferably with a “YES!”.

How do you do that? Well there are (at least) 2 things that you can try. The first one is to provide your recipient with some context.

Briefly explain why you’re sending them a follow-up email. And refer to your last message. The one with the quotation.

They might not have seen it yet. Or simply forgotten about it. So make sure to remind them about your previous correspondence.

The second thing you can do is remind your client why they wanted to work with you in the first place.

Give them some useful details about your quotation. And explain the benefits that they’ll get out of working with you.

Make sure to match your quotation with your client’s needs. Identify their pain points. And show them how you can relieve them.

4. Finish with a strong CTA

OK. So you’ve reminded them of why they should work with you. Now it’s time to bring it home. And the best way to do that, is to include a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your follow-up email after quotation.

Don’t leave your client wondering what they should do next. Your CTA should be explicit. What action do you want them to take? Do you want them to provide you with more information? Or to hop on a quick call with you?

Whatever your plan is, make sure to ask for what you want. And to do so in a clear, concise way. Here are a few examples of CTA that you could use in a quotation follow-up email:

  • What can I do to help?
  • Let me know your thoughts on this :)
  • Would love to know if you’re still game to kick off next week.

5. Timing is everything

How long should you wait before sending a first quotation follow-up email to your client or prospect?

Well. It depends. The answer will vary according to the nature of the project. And your relationship with the client.

For example, some companies have a very slow decision process. And it takes them forever to start a new project. While other companies can react super fast.

As a rule of thumb, you should wait (at least) 3-5 days before sending your first quotation follow-up email. Unless there’s an emergency.

Why? Mostly because you want to give your client enough room to breathe. And to avoid coming off as too pushy. Or desperate.

But don’t wait too long either. Otherwise your client might forget about you. Or maybe even hire somebody else.

Follow-up email after quotation templates

Want to jumpstart your writing process? You’re in luck. We’ve prepared 3 high-converting follow up emails after quotation samples. Pick the template you like the most. Fill in the blanks. Hit send. And you’ll get a reply in no-time at all.

1. The smiling one

Subject line: Next steps

Dear [first name],

Hope you’re having a great day :)

Did you have a chance to review the quote I sent you last week for [service]?

As a reminder, my proposal includes ⤵️

  • [benefit 1]
  • [benefit 2]
  • [benefit 3]

If you would like to move forward with the project or require any modifications to the quotation, please let me know.

Kind regards,


2. The coffee one

Subject line: Free for (e)coffee?

Hello [first name],

I sent you a quotation for [service] 5 days ago, but I still haven’t heard from you. Am I catching you at a bad time?

If you have any questions or requests about my estimate, I’d be happy to hop on a 10-minute Zoom call and address them over a cup of coffee.

I can do [date] at [time].

Sounds good?

All the best,


3. The short one

Subject line: Still want to work together?

Hi [first name],

Hope you’re doing fabulously.

I haven’t heard back about the quote I sent you for [service].

Do you still want to work together?

No wrong answers! :)



Need more examples? You can find other quotation follow-up email samples in our template library. Make sure to check it out :)

Quotation follow up email template

How to automate your quote follow-up emails

Want to save even more time? With tools such as Mailmeteor, you can automate your follow-up email to client after quotation.

Here’s how ⤵️

Step 1: Create your Mailmeteor account (if you don’t already have one). Go to your Mailmeteor Dashboard. And click on + New campaign.

Mailmeteor dashboard

Step 2: Compose the first message of your email sequence as you normally would. Make sure to attach your quotation.

Sent a quote in your email

Step 3: Now click on Add a follow-up email to write your message. Feel free to use one of our follow-up email to client after quotation templates as inspiration.

Add a follow up quotation email

Step 4: You can then decide under which conditions your emails will be sent. Here are the different parameters that you can use to trigger your follow-ups:

  • IF no reply: send a follow-up if the recipient hasn’t replied yet.
  • IF no open: send a follow-up if the recipient hasn’t opened the previous email.
  • IF no click: send a follow-up if the recipient hasn’t clicked a link in the previous email.
  • IF click: send a follow-up if the recipient has clicked a link in the previous email.
  • IF open: send a follow-up if the recipient has opened the previous email.
  • No matter what: no condition, the follow-up email is always sent.

You can also choose the interval between each steps:

  • After a few days: send a follow-up email one or several days later
  • After a few hours: send a follow-up email hours later
  • After a few minutes: send a follow-up email only after a few minutes

So you could for example ask Mailmeteor to send a follow-up email to your client if they haven’t answered your email after 3 days.

Schedule your quotation follow-up email

Step 5: Once you’re ready, click on Send emails to send your after quotation follow-up message.

Send follow up email to client after quotation

Pretty easy, right? You can repeat this process every time you send out a new quotation. To improve your productivity. And close more deals.

One of the other perks of using Mailmeteor to send your quotations is that you can track your emails in real-time.

Track your follow up email

Use this helpful feature to check if your client opened your message. Or clicked on it. And customize your next follow-up emails based on their reactions.

Happy sending :)

This guide was written by Paul Anthonioz, content editor at Mailmeteor. Mailmeteor is a simple & privacy-focused emailing software. Trusted by millions of users worldwide, it is often considered as the best tool to send newsletters with Gmail. Give us a try and let us know what you think!

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