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How to find your Gmail Contacts List (2024 Guide)
April 11, 2022 Guide

How to find your Gmail Contacts List (2024 Guide)

Your contacts list is one of the most important elements in Gmail. Everyone of your recipients’ details can be found in your Gmail contacts list, saving you time in having to memorize each email address for when you need to get in touch.

How to create a professional email address? (with Google Workspace)
April 4, 2022 Tutorial

How to create a professional email address? (with Google Workspace)

Are you still using your email address? It’s 2023. You should learn how to create a professional email address. It will make your emails more serious and improve their deliverability. And good news, it costs the same price than a monthly coffee at Starbucks (~$6/month).

What's new? Import all your unsubscribers, fallback & more
March 22, 2022 News

What's new? Import all your unsubscribers, fallback & more

Thanks to all the feedback from our users, we have recently added dozens of new features to Mailmeteor.

Top 8 of the Best Email Warm Up tools in 2024
March 14, 2022 Guide

Top 8 of the Best Email Warm Up tools in 2024

When you become serious about emailing, one thing you want to prevent is that your emails end up in spam. But how can you make sure your emails don’t land up in the spam folder? Warming up your email account may be the solution.

March 8, 2022 Tutorial

10 Tips to Send Emails Like a Boss

Email is one of the most important tools in communication. Unlike chatting, emails take a while to get a reply, so it’s less likely for you to be able to gauge what the receiver is thinking. You need to give yourself every chance to succeed in getting your point across.

Announcing Mailmeteor Partnerships: Exclusive Email Offers
January 25, 2022 News

Announcing Mailmeteor Partnerships: Exclusive Email Offers

For the past 3 years, Mailmeteor has grown from a mail merge add-on for Gmail to one of the most popular email platforms trusted by millions of users. The email industry is well-known to be crowded and competitive. Slowly but surely, Mailmeteor has carved out a little place for itself among the major mastodon in the emailing space.

Mailmeteor: 5 Features You Need To Know
December 12, 2021 Tutorial

Mailmeteor: 5 Features You Need To Know

Mailmeteor has been designed from the ground up to be used by everyone. It’s no mistake that it has been ranked the best mail merge for Gmail, thanks to thousands of customers reviews.

The fastest and easiest way to send a mass email with Gmail in 2024
November 2, 2021 Tutorial

The fastest and easiest way to send a mass email with Gmail in 2024

If you’re here chances are you want to send mass emails in Gmail. In this post, I’ll walk you through how to do this with Gmail out of the box—then show you how to use a Gmail extension to track opens, replies, and personalize emails to each of your recipients.

How to send an A/B test in Gmail?
October 25, 2021 Tutorial

How to send an A/B test in Gmail?

The best marketing team are well known for fine-tuning their emails a lot. Their emails looks perfect when you receive one of them. But what you might not know, it’s that they literally have tested every single word in the email.

Taking on the Spam Filters: 750 Spam Words to avoid in 2023
October 12, 2021 Guide

Taking on the Spam Filters: 750 Spam Words to avoid in 2023

The spam folder is every email marketer’s greatest nightmare. One of the handiest skills you need to learn to avoid landing in the spam folder is to write better emails.

25 Tips to Improve your Website SEO (using Ahrefs)
September 30, 2021 Guide

25 Tips to Improve your Website SEO (using Ahrefs)

You don’t need to be a SEO expert to drive more traffic on your website. In fact, all you need is a few hours in front of you and $7.

How to create multiple Google Chrome profiles? [2024]
July 29, 2021 Tutorial

How to create multiple Google Chrome profiles? [2024]

If you are using multiple Google accounts, for example you use on the same computer your personal account and your business account, you should definitely consider using Google Chrome profiles. It’s a powerful feature available in Google Chrome for years. Here’s what you’ll learn in this guide: