7 Ways To Block Someone on Gmail (Tried & Tested)

7 Ways To Block Someone on Gmail (Tried & Tested)

- Published: - 8 minutes read

Gmail has powerful built-in spam-filters. But despite them, you may still receive unwanted messages every now and then. If you don’t want junk emails to clutter your inbox, you can blacklist the Gmail account who sent them. Here’s how to block someone on Gmail in just a few clicks.

There a few reasons why you might want to block someone on Gmail:

  • Your inbox is filled with unwanted marketing emails
  • Someone has been stalking or harassing you
  • You’ve been receiving spam emails
  • The sender was rude to you

Whatever the reason is, you have the right to choose which emails are worthy or not to reach your inbox. If you no longer want to receive emails from a particular sender, this quick guide will show you how to block their email address in Gmail.

How to block someone on Gmail from your computer

You can block someone on Gmail from your PC or Mac by following these 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Open an email sent by the Gmail account you want to block

Open Gmail in your browser. Log into your account. And use the search bar to look for emails from the sender that you want to block. Then click on any email from that person.

Select the email you want to block

Step 2: Go to Gmail’s menu and select “Block”

Once you’ve opened the email, click on the three dots on the top-right corner to display Gmail’s dropdown menu. Then select “Block” to prevent that sender’s emails from reaching your inbox in the future.

How to block someone on Gmail from a computer

Step 3: Confirm that you want to block this email address

A confirmation pop-up will appear. Click on “Block” to finish what you started. From now on, that person will no longer be able to send you messages in Gmail. And all their emails will be marked as spam.

How to block an email address on Gmail

How to protect your inbox with filters

Creating your own spam-filter is another good way to block someone’s email on Gmail. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Go to your Gmail account’s settings

Log into your Gmail account. Open the settings. And click on “See all settings”.

Gmail settings

Step 2: Create a new filter

In the “Filters and Blocked Addresses” tab of your Gmail settings, click on “Create a new filter”.

How to create a new filter in Gmail

Step 3: Customize your filter

In the “From” field, enter the email address you want to block. Then select “Create a filter”.

How to blacklist an email address on Gmail

While creating your filter, you can also decide to block messages of a specific size by using the “Size” field. Or you can click on “Has attachment” to block all messages that have attachments.

How to block messages based on their size

Step 4: Set up a redirection

Lastly, decide what Gmail should do when you receive an email matching the criteria of the filter you’ve just created. If you want to stop receiving messages from someone, you can select “Delete it”. Then click on “Create filter”.

How to automatically delete someone's email

The next time that sender tries to email you, Gmail will automatically move their message to your trash folder. And you won’t have to go through those unwelcomed emails to delete them manually.

Gmail trash folder

But what if you no longer want to block that person’s emails? Don’t worry. You can edit or delete your filters whenever you want from the “Filters and Blocked Addresses” menu of your Gmail account.

How to edit your filters in Gmail

How to block someone on Gmail using a Google Chrome extension

If you need some extra features to protect your Gmail inbox from uninvited emails, you can also use a Google Chrome extension called “Block Sender”.

To do that, simply go to the Google Chrome Web Store and install the “Block Sender” extension. Then link it to your Gmail account.

Once you’re signed in, follow these 4 easy steps to block an email address on Gmail:

  1. In the “Block Sender” menu, select “Blocks”.
  2. Click on the “+” icon.
  3. Enter the email address you want to block.
  4. And then click on “Create”.

How to block a sender on Gmail with a Chrome extension

The free version of “Block Sender” will help you block emails in Gmail based on:

  • Email Address
  • Name
  • Domain
  • Extension
  • Phrase
  • Subject
  • IP Address

However the number of “blocks” you can set up with “Block Sender” is limited. Once you’ve reached your quota, you’ll need to subscribe to one of their premium plans to block more Gmail accounts.

How to block someone on Gmail from your mobile

You can also block emails on the Gmail mobile app for iPhone or Android. The process is almost the same as on a computer:

  1. Open the Gmail mobile app.
  2. Find an email from the sender you want to block.
  3. Open that email and tap on the three dots in the top-right corner of your screen. A dropdown menu will open.
  4. Select “Block user” to prevent that person from sending you emails in the future.

How to block someone on Gmail from a mobile phone

How to unsubscribe from mass emails

Blocking someone on Gmail should be your last resort. If you no longer want to receive emails from a brand that has been sending you a lot of promotions or newsletters, you can simply unsubscribe from mass emails on Gmail.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Log into your Gmail account.
  2. Open a message from the sender you want to unsubscribe from.
  3. Click on “Unsubscribe” next to the sender’s name.

Unsubscribe link

Most brands also include an unsubscribe link at the bottom of their emails, allowing you to manage your preferences or to get off their email list.

How to mark an email as spam

If a spam email somehow manages to get past Gmail’s spam-filters, you can manually mark it as spam to block that email address once and for all.

When a spam message reaches your Gmail inbox:

  1. Go to Gmail.
  2. Open the spam message.
  3. Click on the “Spam” icon at the top of the email. Or click on the three dots and select “Report spam”.

Spam report

Any new email from that sender will land directly in your spam folder. And Google will receive a copy of that email. They may use the data in your report to protect other Gmail users from spam and abuse.

How to mark an email as phishing

If a suspicious email asks you for personal information, chances are it’s a phishing attempt. Phishing is a form of social engineering attack. The attacker usually poses as a trusted entity to trick you into sharing sensitive information.

To protect yourself (as well as other Gmail users), the best course of action is to immediately report that email for phishing. You can do this by following these 4 simple steps:

  1. Go to Gmail.
  2. Open the email you want to report.
  3. Click on “More” (the three dots on the top-right of your screen).
  4. Select “Report phishing” to block that sender.

Phishing report

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to block someone on Gmail permanently?

To block someone on Gmail, click on the three vertical dots and select “Block”. That email address will be blocked permanently and all their future messages will land in your spam folder.

How to block multiple senders on Gmail at once?

You can block multiple emails at once on Gmail by selecting all the messages you want to block and clicking on the “Report spam” option in the Gmail menu.

Does Gmail send a notification to the person you blocked?

The person you blocked on Gmail will not receive any notification. But some people might use email tracking tools to check whether their emails are being opened or not.

How to unblock a sender on Gmail?

Once you’ve blocked someone, Gmail will display a message above that person’s email. From there, you can click on “Unblock sender” if you’ve changed your mind.

How to unblock someone on Gmail

This guide was written by Paul Anthonioz, content editor at Mailmeteor. Mailmeteor is a simple & privacy-focused emailing software. Trusted by millions of users worldwide, it is often considered as the best tool send newsletters with Gmail. Give us a try and let us know what you think!

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